Locational and physical considerations

A number of key locational and physical considerations that have been identified as key drivers in informing future development parameters which are key principles for the development proposals, including.


Ensuring, through appropriate design that the hospital site continues to provide a positive landmark within local and distant views.


From Huddersfield Road / Dryclough Lane the estate is elevated, and the main hospital is very visible on the north elevation. The need to respond with a high-quality design response and to use soft landscaping including trees to mitigate impact of new development in this location.


Where possible to seek to retain existing trees where they provide amenity value contributing both to the character of the Conservation Area and the wider hospital campus.

Where trees are necessary to be removed to enable development, seek alternative locations for new tree planting within CRH estate through new landscaping to support the development proposals.


Due regards must be given to Skircoat Green Conservation Area Character Appraisal including key views and the original hospital buildings.

The siting and design treatment of new developments is key to mitigating the overall impact on the character of the Conservation Area.

Air Quality

The need to promote and improve sustainable access to CRH, whilst balancing the need to improve and rationalise existing and future parking provision to meet the operational demands of the hospital post-reconfiguration.

Access and key movements

Existing pedestrian and cycle access and routeways to and through the estate to be maintained and improved.

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