
10 years performing Angioplasties

10 years performing Angioplasties

It was 10 years ago this week that the first percutaneous coronary intervention (formerly known as an Angioplasty with stent) was carried out at Calderdale Royal Hospital. Since then around 5,000 patients have benefitted from the non-surgical procedure.

Senior Angiography Sister, Siobhan Mulvihill, said: “Dr Simon Grant performed the first Angioplasty on 1st August 2011, so it seemed appropriate to celebrate this milestone, especially this year.”

Dr Julian Winter who is the lead for PCI, said: “The procedure provides a timely service with greater accessibility for patients in Kirklees and Calderdale who have symptoms as a result of coronary artery disease and those patients who experience a heart attack.

“During the pandemic we have supported Leeds General Infirmary with Primary PCIs - emergency treatment for the sickest heart attack patients, which is often a life-saving procedure. I’m very proud of the past 10 years spent working at Calderdale.”

Siobhan added: “Throughout the pandemic we have really pulled together as team (including the doctors, nurses, radiographers, cardiac physiologists and schedulers). I’m so proud of the whole team, especially how they’ve coped during lockdown. They really are the best team in the whole hospital to work with!”