
Andrea Thornton is our latest Star Award winner

Stunned Andrea Thornton feared the worst when CEO Owen Williams turned up in the General Office.

She laughed “Is that my P45?” then was all-smiles and very relieved when she received her Star Award certificate and vouchers.

Admin assistant Andrea won the latest award for all the support and kindness she gives to families who are having to come to terms with a bereavement. 

She  said:  “It’s just part of the work we do here. I treat people how I would like to be treated. People come to us with an array of emotions from sad, angry, ok and confused but it’s up to us to make sure that when they leave the general office some of that confusion is eased.

"It’s not an easy time for families and no family will have the same experience once a loved one has passed away. Again it comes back  to treating other how you would like to be treated.”

In her nomination, Louise Ashton, wrote:  “Recently we had an elderly lady come to collect her husband’s death certificate and the lady was clearly very upset and seemed quite confused. Andrea was clearly worried about her. The office had closed however Andrea contacted the lady's son and raised her concerns for his mum.

"Andrea explained everything to the son who was also quite stressed at trying to get everything sorted. She advised that she would keep the certificate back and then the son could come in so Andrea could go through everything with him. This would avoid his mum having to deal with it all as she clearly wasn't in a good way. The son was put at ease and therefore very happy with the outcome.

“She always shows care and compassion to all. Helping out colleagues and being a true team player and asset to the General Office.”

Louise added:“As part of the General Office we deal with bereavement and the issuing of medical certificates of cause of death. We deal with the relatives first hand after a loss of a loved one and Andrea always shows great compassion and understanding to the relatives, she is very caring and always goes above and beyond in order to get the paperwork issued within a timely manner for the relatives to avoid them any unnecessary stress. This can be a task in its self as locating doctors can sometimes be very difficult.

“However she remains professional at all times and avoids any stress for relatives.”