
Awwwww. TNA Lauren and Brenda share a hug after home visit stroke drama.

This adorable photo reunites Trainee Nurse Associate Lauren Stevenson with 86-year-old patient Brenda Mallinson and is guaranteed to make us all smile during this awful week of storms.

Lauren was visiting Brenda at her home in Greetland when she spotted the signs of a stroke as she was changing Brenda's leg dressing - and immediately went into action. 

Lauren, said: " I was doing a routine visit to do her leg dressing and when I walked in, I noticed that something was up. She had a facial droop and slurred speech, weakness in her arm and she was unable to see from her left eye."

From previous lectures at university and remembering the FAST* anagram Lauren was confident  in recognising that Brenda had suffered a stroke and rang for an ambulance immediately.

She adds: " I phoned my colleague and asked them to ring the patient's family and to contact the care company. I remembered how important it was to try and get a time frame for the onset of the stroke and symptoms as this would be an imperative factor in the treatment pathway."

Brenda was taken to hospital where the stroke team were waiting and fortunately, Lauren's action meant Brenda was in the time frame for treatment which was effective. After four days in hospital  Brenda was discharged home and is making a good recovery with minimal ill effects. Brenda and her family have expressed how very grateful they were for the care and treatment she had received from all the healthcare professionals involved in her care. 

Clinical Manager Sally Akesson, pictured with Lauren inset, said: "Lauren attended a routine patient and noticed that she was displaying symptoms of a stroke (drooping face, slurred speech etc). She immediately jumped into action following her training at university and remembering the adverts on TV which highlight signs of a stroke and rang 999."

Clinical Nurse Educator, Leanne Grice, said: "This is absolutely fantastic news and a huge achievement impacting on greater patient safety and recognising the signs and symptoms and need for escalation."

Lauren is in the first cohort of TNAs and have been doing this course now for 18 months. She adds: "  It is an amazing opportunity to develop professionally and personally. I am enjoying getting hands on experience of learning while working, and being able to put the theory that we learn at university into practice. I am fortunate to work with a fantastic team who are really supportive of my learning and development."

*FAST stands for Face, Arm, Speech and Time.