
Carole Hallam winner of the Rising Star Award at the British Journal of Nurses Awards

Carole has won the award of Rising Star in IV Therapy at the British Journal of Nursing.


Carole along her nursing colleagues Helen Dunn  (Great Ormond Street Hospital ) and Val Weston (St Helens and Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust) met up through the Infection Prevention Society and are one of three finalists in the Rising Star in IV Therapy.


Carole, pictured at work in the attachments, said:  “I feel absolutely honoured to have been nominated. We are up against some real experts. We aren’t expert but we are passionate about getting it right for our patients so they have a better experience. That has been our driver and to be recognised in this way is an enormous honour.”


A pilot of the guidelines is underway here at CHFT and depending on the results a national roll-out could follow.