
CCGs begin the search for an independent chair

The Governing Bodies of NHS Calderdale CCG and NHS Greater Huddersfield CCG met in parallel, in public on 20 October 2016 and agreed to proceed to explore implementation of the full business case, in line with the proposals within the consultation on proposed future arrangements for hospital and community health services in Calderdale and Greater Huddersfield.

Since then the CCGs and Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust have begun the process of preparing a full business case and associated documentation, developing the detail and exploring how we implement the proposed changes.

As part of the consultation we asked people to give us their views on travel, transport and parking and committed to establishing a Travel & Transport Group. Our analysis identified Travel and Transport as one of the key areas highlighted by the public.

We’re honouring our commitment to set up a Travel & Transport Group and have now begun the search for an independent chair who will lead the work of the group over an initial six month period.

GP Chair of NHS Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Group, Dr Alan Brook said:

“The group will advise, inform and provide expert input on transport and access matters relating to our proposed future arrangements for hospital and community health services and will include representatives from the public, Healthwatch, West Yorkshire Combined Authority, both local authorities and the NHS”

GP Chair of NHS Greater Huddersfield Clinical Commissioning Group, Dr Steve Ollerton said:

“Once the independent chair has been appointed, the new Travel and Transport Group will be tasked with identifying priority areas for consideration such as access, travel, parking and public transport. The group will then develop recommendations and plans to address any challenges.”

ENDS Editor Notes: Further information on the group’s terms of reference and the role of the independent chair are available to download below: ? Travel and Transport Group: Terms of Reference ? Travel and Transport Group: Role of Chair The role is being advertised through National Association for Voluntary and Community Action, Centre for Public Scrutiny and the Community Transport Association. More Information: NHS Calderdale CCG Communications Team ? Telephone: 01422 307429 ? Email:

Chair role information here 

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