
Community Healthcare Division trio celebrate earning the title of Queen's Nurse

Cath, Tara and Jayne receiving their awards

It’s all smiles from our Community Healthcare Division as three of their members of staff have been given the title of Queen’s Nurse (QN) for demonstrating a high level of commitment to patient care and nursing practice.

Lead nurse for OPAT Jayne Woodhead, Community Matron Tara Teske and Advanced Clinical Practitioner, Cath Whitaker, received their Awards from Dame Elizabeth Anionwu, who is the QNI Vice president and patron of the Mary Seacole Trust.

Queen’s Nurses act as ambassadors for the role and invest in their own development as leaders of practice and service development.

Cath said: “I was absolutely delighted to receive the award which came just as I'd completed 40 years of service within the NHS.

"The Queen’s Nursing Institute was founded in 1887 and it believes in the best possible nursing care for people at home.

"It works with nurses and leaders to ensure good quality nursing is available to everyone whenever they need it. I have worked in community nursing for most of my career and am very proud to receive this award and hope to continue to deliver the best possible care aiming to support people in their homes wherever possible.”

Jayne added: “I was extremely proud to receive this prestigious award from the Queen’s Nursing Institute.

“The charity is dedicated to improving the nursing care of people in community and the title indicates a commitment to high standards of patient care, learning and leadership.

“The application process is rigorous and involves receiving feedback from colleagues and patients.”