
Congrats Hayley and Lola - our Double Star Award winners

Helen Barker had to be fast out of the blocks to ensure our double Star Award winners received their certificates today.

For the first time we had a tie in our monthly colleague award and our Chief Operating Officer made two presentations at CRH in half an hour.

Lola Duncan was the  first recipient on the Children's Ward then it was off to ED for the second to Hayley Perrett.

Hayley, said: "I don't know what to say! I am just extremely pleased to be recognised my by colleagues.  I'm surprised everyone managed to keep it a secret."

Lola, said: "I really do appreciate all the praise from everyone and I am extremely grateful to work with such an amazing team of people."

Helen said: “Lola and Hayley have showed such compassion for two of our younger patients in very contrasting circumstances. What shines out is they are both extremely caring and dedicated nurses who look after their patients and their families and both are very worthwhile winners. It’s a pleasure to be able to present them with their Star Awards.”

Lola's nominator Gill Harries said "Lola Duncan has been his nurse his friend and his encourager. Riley loves Jess Glynn and Riley had some tickets to see the concert Lola started a twitter campaign to see if Jess would give Riley a shout out at the concert. This didn't happen but Lola was not deterred and stated another social media campaign for Riley to meet his heroine. This culminated in Jess doing a video conference with Riley and Lola, concert tickets and prizes promised and even getting on the local news. Riley was made to feel very special and loved!

"Riley is a little boy with a chronic skin condition that has meant he has spent a great deal of time on ward 3 Paediatrics, He is often in pain and uncomfortable and not able to do the things that other boys of his age can do. Lola deserves to be recognised for being the epitome of demonstrating CHFT's Four Pillars and I feel very proud for her to be a colleague." 

Hayley's nominator Rachel Roberts said "Haley was working a long day at Calderdale in November when a child was brought to A&E by ambulance. The child was critically unwell and transferred to resus. Hayley was the named nurse and truly went above and beyond to care not only for the patient but for his family.

"The patient sadly passed away that evening and Hayley supported the family to make sure they had the best experience in what was a devastating circumstance, she stayed until midnight (she was due to finish her shift at 8pm) as she had built a relationship with the family and wanted to stay and support them.

"I am very proud of the compassionate care Hayley gave to the child and his family; she truly demonstrated the trust values through every moment of that day. The family called a few days later to thank Hayley for the support she gave them that day and to express how impressed they were with the care she provided."