
Congrats to our Megan and her new baby boy.

We’ve a new Mum called Megan, a baby boy born yesterday who was overdue… and a very thrilled dad with a ginger beard too!

Here at CRH, our midwives are celebrating after the arrival yesterday of 7lb 7oz Wilbur Marsh on Calderdale Birth Centre with amazing echoes of the new royal tot’s birthday.

Little Wilbur was born on the same day as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s baby and his Mum’s called Megan and his Dad was there at her side.

Megan, said: “The midwives were just amazing. They are incredible, just lovely and a great bunch of people.”

She said, like the Duchess of Sussex, she had been hoping for a very natural birth and little Wilbur was born in the birthing pool last night.

Megan, from Wyke, chose the Calderdale Birth Centre as she had had one of her daughters there and knew the experience was the one for her. Wilbur is the couple’s third child. He has two sisters Daisy and Florence.

Megan, added: “I wanted a midwife-led birth as I wanted it to be homely and not medicalised. It’s a lovely atmosphere and my husband could sleep over with us.  After the experience when my daughter was born there I knew I wanted to be in CRH Birth Centre.

“The pool is amazing in terms of pain relief. I had been on a TENS machine but once in the pool it was incredible. I just became more focussed once I was in there and the whole experience was amazing.”

 She said she had seen the Royal announcement on their Instagram page and at that time didn’t know she was having baby boy. “After two girls he is a lovely surprise and very much welcome.”

And how did proud Dad Nick respond? With a photo call to the world, like Harry?

Megan laughed: “Ha, no. He just about made it to Costa. “

The Trust’s Head of Midwifery, Joyce Ayre, said:  “Our congratulations to “our” Megan and Nick and a big welcome to baby Wilbur. A new arrival is always a lovely, special time for our parents – and all of us here - and we thank them for their kind words about our midwives and their birthing experience here at CHFT.”