
Dot's rescue ends off amazing year for Community

These dramatic flood pictures were taken by our community colleagues in the Calder Valley at the height of the devastation last Sunday.

Dot Chadwick – who celebrates 20 years as a community staff nurse this summer – became stranded as the waters in the river and the canal rose during her round in Todmorden at an alarming pace.

In the end she drove higher and higher and sought refuge at a patient’s house up near Mankinholes where colleagues sent the Todmorden Volunteers Rescue team to reach her.

Dot said: “ At one point the water was over the top of my wheels and I got very anxious and started to wonder if my brakes would work. I couldn't drive back down so I drove up and up and  eventually I went into a patient's house and stayed there. I was showing her all the photos and videos on my phone and everyone was ringing to check up on me.

“At the end of the day though everyone pulling together we saw every patients apart from one man who we have seen since.”

She sent her thanks to all her colleagues, to Todmorden Volunteers and to  all the Care Homes in Todmorden who all pulled together and covered each other’s shifts to ensure all patients received their care.

"The man from the volunteers and all my colleagues kept checking on me all day. They were all lovely."

District Nurse Rachel Walker, was one of the team on duty said the day had added pressure in terms of finding patients who had to be moved due to the weather conditions.

She added: “ The pharmacy in Grange Dean were fantastic and got replacement drugs and insulin straight away for a patient.  Support was in place for staff who were on duty and the manager on-call got things in place quickly”.

Matron Caroline Lane, said she was proud of the whole team last Sunday. “They were all amazing on Sunday and even now on the days after supporting our patients.”

Associate Director of Nursing, Andrea Dauris, said: “The response the teams showed to the storm on 9 February provides yet another example of the absolute `can do’ attitude of our teams who continue to go above and beyond for the benefit of their patients and families”.


The remarkable effort during the flood marks the end of the year. We've been celebrating all the good stories from our Community Division. Every week CHFT Weekly has highlighted individuals and teams in Community and their patients.


Bev Walker, on behalf of the Community Healthcare Division Senior Management Team, said “I would like to thank all our staff in the division for their ongoing hard work, dedication and commitment.  This is reflected in so many of the good news stories. We have fabulous staff, working in often challenging environments yet continue to provide amazing care”.

Helen Barker, Chief Operating Officer said threw them the challenge to share their good news every week. She said:  “Community has risen to the good news challenge magnificently after feeling maybe their work was getting a little overlooked.

“They are vital to everything we do, delivering amazing care for our patients and looking after each other. One Culture of Care in practice.”

The aim is now to continue to Community Good News throughout 2020.