
Emma's Poppy Poster celebrates World Radiography Day today and the Armistice Centenary - and make a poppy for CHFT's tributes.

A poignant X-ray of a poppy- created by our radiologist Emma Johnson - has been selected to celebrate World Radiography Day in a national design competition.

And our chaplaincy team is offering colleagues the chance to make a felt poppy for our displays this weekend. See below.

Emma created her design due to the day being so close to  November 11, 2018 - the Centenary of Armistice Day. It's been picked as one of five designs nationally by the Society of Radiographers for this special year.

Emma joined us as a healthcare assistant in 2004, became an assistant practitioner and and was then funded through a degree in Radiolgy at Bradford University.

She loves a creative challenge and enjoyed half-term homework with daughter Stevie, aged six.

She said of her design:" I just thought it was an obvious design to combine both World Radiography Day today and the Armistice Centenary this year which are so close together. I enjoy a creative challenge but didn't expect to be selected. It was a lovely surprise."

World Radiography Day celebrates November 8 in 1895, when  German Wilhelm Rontgen discovered a new ray and called it "x" - the mathematical symbol for the unknown. He first tried it out on his wife's hand - see photo - and she exclaimed: " I have seen my own death!"

He never patented them as he wanted everyone to benefit and won the first Nobel Prize for Physics in 1901.



CHFT, like many communities, is planning to mark the 100th anniversary of the end of World War One with a display of poppies in both Hope Centres (Chapels) over Remembrance Weekend.

They have enlisted patients on wards both at Calderdale and Huddersfield to assemble tred felt poppies and it is hoped to use them in flowing displays. Any offers of help welcome. There are also resources available in both Hope Centres for staff and visitors to make poppies. It is simple, involving three felt-cut outs and two dobs of glue.

Cards are also available there for loved ones to be remembered – whether from the time of the First World War or in subsequent conflicts. The cards will be compiled into a Book of Remembrance.