
Everyone needs a Kulwant! A fountain of knowledge.


Midwifery support worker and all-round multi-tasker Kulwant Kaur is our latest CHuFT Star Award winner, pictured right.

She was nominated in our monthly peer-to-peer recognition programme for her amazing range of support she gives to colleagues and patients in the Antenatal clinic.

Her nominator, Vicky Lynch, pictured with Kulwant said: “She is the fountain of all knowledge when it comes to Antenatal Clinic...Can't find something? ask Kulwant. Can't work the computers? ask Kulwant. Having problems with a patient’s appointments? ask Kulwant!”

She added: “Nothing is too much trouble and on top of a heavy workload of her own, she will happily help out with phlebotomy, admin, reception work, stock taking and ordering, changing clinic appointment templates and helping patients. 

"She regularly boosts staff moral with her culinary delights and treats.  Our Antenatal Clinic would not run as well as it does without Kulwant and we as a team would like to show our appreciation for all that she does for our service and our team as a whole.  Everyone needs a Kulwant!

Our Director of Workforce and OD, Suzanne Dunkley presented the award, saying of her nomination: “How endearing and absolutely beautiful. Well done and thank you for what you have done.”