
Fab frocks and fab fundraiser - Children's Ward ball rocks!


Our Natalie Wood and her Children's ward colleagues hosted a night to remember on Saturday October 8 at Casa in Brighouse. Here's Natalie's account of the fab night and a great set of pics!


"The aim was to help raise funds to help support the continuation of holistic care for children within CHFT and try to provide children, young people and their families a home from home.   Myself, and several children’s ward members of staff were involved to ensure the night would be successful.   Over 160 people attended the event including staff members and their family and friends.


"The event took six months to organise but was a fantastic evening with several acts taking to the stage to entertain the guests. On arrival everyone was greeted by stilt walkers from Pastiche Europe.

"The night started early with a children’s/young person’s dance troupe, Turners Dance, that had travelled all the way from Rotherham to support the cause, as no Children’s Ward event would be complete without the children themselves.  A surprise mid dinner service Bollywood act from Kirklees College in Huddersfield provided a meal stopping Bollywood tribute dance.


"The night also included an auction and raffle with prizes coming from across the localities.  The DJ, Johnny R Barnett, then provided the entertainment where everyone danced the night away.


"As a treat a local company, Samantha’s Party Backdrops and Booth provided us with a photo booth and a photographer from Expose Photography look pictures of guests on their arrival.


"The event was a huge success with many of the guests already asking when the next one will be!!!  The total Amount raised is yet to be confirmed but we have a guaranteed £5,800 to date and I'm already starting talks to tackle hosting another event. We are hoping that the next one will be even more popular and has been booked for October 2018"