
Getting involved in reshaping local health services. Report from Brighouse Town Hall event

People from public groups and health and care organisations were invited to an event at Brighouse Town Hall on 11 June 2019.

The aim of the event was provide an update of the planned changes to hospital and community health services across Calderdale and Greater Huddersfield and to find out how people wanted to be engaged and involved in the development and design of services.

People attending the event were asked to join conversations around five areas:

  • Design of the hospital buildings
  • The use of digital technology
  • Involving Children and Young People
  • Travel and transport – parking, roads, shuttle bus and public transport
  • The development of hospital services

The information, views and feedback gathered will help us to develop an approach to involving local people in shaping the planned changes to services moving forward.

The full report, including feedback and views received from stakeholders at the event, can be downloaded below.

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