
Hospital Services Reconfiguration update

Our Strategic Outline Case (SOC) describing the next steps for the reconfiguration of hospital services has been published.

This has also been submitted to NHS England and NHS Improvement for their review and approval. You can find it here

This is the next step in the process following the announcement in December 2018 by the Department of Health and Social Care that the Trust has been allocated £196m to fund the reconfiguration of hospital services in Calderdale and Huddersfield.

The key clinical elements of the SOC service model proposals are the same as have been previously shared and discussed publicly at scrutiny. However, this version incorporates a revised financial profile in line with the NHS 10-year planning framework, which has been distributed to all NHS provider organisations across England.

Calderdale and Greater Huddersfield CCGs and the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership have provided further letters of support for the plans described in the SOC.  

The Trust will continue to engage and involve local people, staff and key stakeholders in the next steps to deliver the proposed future model for hospital services in Calderdale and Huddersfield.

The SOC will be on the agenda for our Public Trust Board meeting on Thursday 2nd May 2019.