
"If I’d not quit smoking, I don’t think I’d still be alive" - patients helped by CHFT to stop smoking share their stories

Kate Frost, who led on the implementation of the service, is pictured with tobacco dependency advisors, Shannon (right) and Derran, at the service launch in June

Our Tobacco Dependency Service supporting inpatients coping with nicotine withdrawal has received glowing testimonials from patients who have successfully quit smoking thanks to the support they have received. 

We have two tobacco dependency advisors, Shannon (right) and Derran (left). Their role is to support patients with nicotine replacement therapy during their stay in hospital. The implementation of service was led by Kate Frost (pictured, centre) in June 2023.

Three patients have now shared their stop smoking stories, and their thanks to the team for the support they received during their time in hospital. You can read their stories below.

Alan, 67, Sowerby Bridge

I was 13 years old when I started smoking, and with help from CHFT I managed to quit a couple months ago. It’s the longest I’ve ever been without a cigarette.

When I was in hospital for a few weeks earlier this year, the smoking cessation team got in touch and asked me if I wanted support to quit. The nicotine replacement therapy they gave me was really helpful.

I was spending £35 a week on cigarettes, and saving that money makes life a little bit easier.

I’d like to thank CHFT for all their help. I’ve been very happy with the stop smoking service, and it seems to have worked so far.

To anyone currently in hospital thinking of giving up smoking, I’d say just take the advice. Take all the help you can get, and just go for it.

Julie, 67, Rastrick

I’d been smoking for 43 years when, five months ago, I became unwell with a respiratory illness. I had complications, was admitted to intensive care and I had to be intubated. My husband was told that I had 24-48 hours to live, but somehow the doctors and nurses managed to save my life.

While I was intensive care, I was given nicotine patches. When I came round, I was quite determined to stop smoking as I knew it wasn’t going to help me. Nothing hit home as much as it did when I was in hospital. I felt like I owed it to the people that saved my life.

The nicotine replacement therapy from the smoking cessation team worked incredibly well for me. When I left hospital, I was referred into the community stop smoking service. I also have a call once a week to see how things are going, which definitely helps keep me motivated.

If I’d not quit smoking, I don’t think I’d still be alive. When I see people smoking, I think “If you knew what I knew, you wouldn’t be smoking.”

I want to spend the rest of my life with my husband, Leslie. We’ve been together 27 years and we’ve always been there for each other.

To anyone thinking about giving up smoking, I’d say stick with it and think about what damage it’s caused you. You have a second chance in life and the freedom to be healthy. It is important that you know that it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking “It won’t affect me”, but smoking can take your life.

And don’t just do it for yourself – your family are in the background watching this going on and they’re on that journey with you.

If sharing my story can help one person quit, it will be worth it.

Isabelle, 56, Huddersfield

I’d been smoking since I was 18 and, with the help of CHFT’s smoking cessation team, I quit seven weeks ago. It’s the longest I’ve ever been without a cigarette – I’m over the moon.

I wanted to stop because my sister-in-law died of cancer. I then had a stroke, ended up in hospital and thought ‘I can’t do this’. 

The smoking cessation team supported me to stop smoking with nicotine replacement therapy. They also referred me into the community stop smoking service, who I see every week for support. They keep asking how I am, and if I have any worries.

I’m feeling a lot better and can do more things. I am really proud of myself.

My daughter has been on at me for years to stop smoking. It’s improved our relationship and she’s really happy that I’ve finally managed to quit.

To anyone thinking about quitting smoking, my advice would be even if you find it hard, just go for it. Pick a date to stop smoking and the night before, just throw everything away and get yourself a hobby. I picked diamond painting back up as a hobby once I’d quit smoking. It keeps your hands busy which really helps. 

I’d like to thank CHFT for helping me to quit smoking. It’s made a big difference.