
Jake’s room is officially open!

The son of radiographer Andy Cross was guest of honour at the new room named after him on our Neo-Natal Unit at CRH.

Jake Cross, now nearly two, watched as his mum Becky snipped the ribbon at the new nursery created as a space for families to prepare for going home.

Money was raised by the family - who are expecting their second child any day - as their firstborn spent three weeks in the ICU cot after he was born six weeks early by emergency C-section in the summer of 2015.

Andy and his pals cycled across Europe to raised money and they covered 900k from Geneva to Barcelona on their fundraiser in scorching temperatures. Our League of Friends supporters also made huge contribution.

They rose over £10,000 for a Vapotherm machine, which is a Non-Invasive Respiratory Support.

Andy said:  ”The public response to our fundraising was quite overwhelming and it's great to see the positive impact that the Vapotherm machines have had for so many babies on special care. Wendy and her team have gone to extreme lengths to thank us for the fundraising and naming the nursery after our little Jake is a very proud moment for us.

We know first-hand the difficulties that families and staff face daily on the neonatal unit but the changes that are being made are fantastic. The nursery room is such a unique concept and is a brilliant addition to an already exceptional department. The neonatal staff at Calderdale Royal are 1st class and we can’t thank them enough."

Ward manager, Wendy Kilner, said: "We are so grateful; it has helped so many families and has revitalised the way we give respiratory care. The machine had already helped 90 babies in 600 days; this room is to thank them for all they have done.”

“It was fitting to honour the family by naming the new room after Jake who received care on our ward; the room will help families preparing to go home. The room is designed like a nursery without any medical equipment and will be quiet. All to help the transition from ward to home”.