
Jumping for Joy. We've three through to the Student Nursing Times finals

Here's Sister Emma Armitage (formerly Melkowski) literally jumping for joy at the news she's a finalist at one of the top awards ceremonies of the year.

"Outstanding" Emma along with Gary Miles and CHFT as a whole organisation, will be at the Student Nursing Times awards in London on Friday 26th April.

Emma is in the as Mentor of the Year category and was nominated by Cara Seston, Senior Lecturer and Field Lead for Adult Nursing at Huddersfield University.

Cara, said: "Students return from the Surgical Assessment Unit at HRI ward  have been commenting that the support is exceptional and Emma is a brilliant leader. Not only does Emma mentor students while managing a busy ward, she provides excellent leadership and support to her own staff who are mentoring students."

Cara's nomination explained how Emma goes over and above in her role, providing emotional and practical support beyond what is strictly necessary.

Cara told of how Emma shows courage and compassion toward nurses who are at risk, using her leadership skills to support the mentors on her department, adding: "Emma is one of the most outstanding mentors I have had the pleasure of working with, she has a positive influence on staff and students and through this fosters a ward that supports students on placement. It is testament to the support she offers that students want to work on the ward when they have graduated and indeed quite a few have.Emma is everything the nursing profession requires in a nurse, a leader and a mentor."

Emma said "I knew Cara had nominated me which was lovely as she thought I was doing a good job, but to be shortlisted is the cherry on the top!".

Clinical Academic Nurse Gary Miles was nominated in the Learner of the Year: Post Registration by Huddersfield Univerity's Professor Felicity Astin. It was for his work in a joint role funded by Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Trust and the University of Huddersfield. 

Gary, pictured below with Felicity (left) and Dr Emma Harris from the university, is working with a team on a nurse-led initiative to promote sleep and rest at night in ward environments as he knows many factors disturb patient sleep at night and some of these can be changed for the better. Patient and staff feedback will help our senior nurses to develop sustainable improvements.

Professor Astin said: "I'm sending my huge congratulatons to Gary. I'm very proud of working with an amazing team at CHT to promote evidence based, patient centred care. Good luck with the judging panel Gary!"

And last, but no means least, CHFT is up for an award. Our Trust has been nominated for our partnership work with the University of Huddersfield on the delivery of the Trainee Nursing Associate programme. CHFT are the lead partners and have worked closely with the University, CCG and other Trust to develop an exciting, innovative and bespoke training package. Pictured are our latest TNA recruits.