
"Listener" Karen Roberts scoops special Star Award - at patient's request!

Neurophysiology's Karen Roberts has won a special Star Award after her patients wrote to our CEO Owen Williams saying "The Trust should be proud of her."

They were so gushing about the care from Karen a one-off certificate was created to reflect their (and our) appreciation for everything Karen has done for them.

Carol Jackson suffers from a very rare condition which causes fits called N.E.A.D.* (Non Epileptic Attack Disorder). To be able to care for her properly Karen researched it and went to lectures in her own time so she could support Carol and her husband Graham through such difficult times.

Carol, said: "Karen was not aware of my particular circumstances or illness - N.E.A.D - She has made it her personal responsibility to fully research the condition to benefit ALL Calderdale patients.

"The Trust should be proud to have such a hard working, dedicated worker who is well -deserving of a gold award. She's caring, compassionate and genuine."

Together with Owen, the Jacksons came in specially to spring the surprise presentation on Karen at work at in her dept at CRH (with help from Claire Robinson, thanks Claire).

After hugs and tears all round, Karen, said:"It's lovely, I'm truly humbled."

Owen shared the background story behind the letter and added his own thanks to Karen.

He said: “I first met Carol a number of years ago as a result of her having mixed experiences of care across a range of Trust specialities. One of the major concerns for this patient was that she felt that she wasn’t really being listened to.

"In her letter, she said Karen really listened and went out of her way to understand her needs. This included travelling far afield to ‘go see’ and bring back learning and knowledge to further support Carol's needs.

"In these circumstances, Karen exuded compassionate care and, come what may, Carol was determined that Karen should be recognised for the difference she has made to her life.”

**(Non-epileptic attack is a type of seizure. It can look similar to epileptic seizures or fainting spells, but it is not caused by abnormal electrical discharges or blood pressure. Non-epileptic attacks happen when the brain can’t handle particular thoughts, memories, emotions or sensations.)