
Lovely Lisa Gray's a real Star!

Rehab assistant Lisa Gray's care for a lady with dementia and no relatives over the Christmas period has won her the latest Star Award. 

Her team - the Elective Orthopaedic Rehabilitation team -  generally have fewer elective patients to see over the Christmas period so they added their support to in-patient therapy team on other wards.

And this is where Lisa shone, supporting  under-pressure colleagues on ward 8c.  She had been asked to see a patient on the ward and this is where her care with compassion really made an impact.

Such an impact that our former Director of Operation for Community, Karen Barnett, nominated Lisa.

On receiving her award, Lisa said: "I was so shocked, so unexpected just for doing my job. I knew something was going on but I had no idea what. Then when I saw Owen come through the door with Sophie I was really confused, like what is going on, this is weird, how odd.

"I've never in my life been stuck for words, I just didn't know what to say. When Owen said why he was here, I found it so hard to believe. I was  shocked and amazed. 

"I remember this lady well and caring for her. It's just what I'd do anyway, it's my job and I love it. It's so nice to be recognised for it, I really do appreciate it. I love the NHS and I love working for it.

"When I got my vouchers I decided I need to spend these properly and use them for something meaningful. So I bought some white gold star earring to reflect the Star Award."

Karen's nomination said: 

"The patient in question had dementia and  had no visiting family over the Christmas period. Her history and discharge plan was complex to say the least! On arrival the lady was confused, had been sitting out all night and was in desperate need of a wash. In theory she was not appropriate for “therapy”.  However, Lisa took it upon herself to take the extra time to care for this lady."

Karen describes how Lisa went above and beyond to settle the lady.

She added: "Lisa calmed her down, spoke to her and settled her. Working with a qualified therapist, she then encouraged the lady to transfer with assistance to the bathroom. I think, at this stage, most therapy staff would probably hand care over to the ward staff. Lisa, however,  saw an opportunity for compassionate care and also therapy. Lisa assisted the lady to shower, dry and then dress in her own clothes, she was encouraged to use her own deodorant, shower gel and face cream.

"This process took an hour but at no point did Lisa rush or pressure the lady.  Her patience and caring nature was exceptional throughout. The patient returned to her chair, comfortable, clean and laughing. A completely different scenario to how she was when she arrived."

**Apols for the delays in  this Star Award. We try and coordinate our presentations to keep them a surprise where everyone can make it. Please keep your nominations coming folks. Click here.

You can read this week's edition of our staff e-bulletin CHFT Weekly here.