
Marvellous March: working together to make CHFT care even better

In March (tomorrow, folks) we’ll be having an extra focus on improving our performance in key areas at CHFT.

For those of you who recall our Perfect Week campaigns, the way we’ll manage it will be very similar.

Key areas we’re hoping to improve on, with the support of all colleagues are:

  • Achieving the 95% Emergency Care Standard (ECS), as well as reducing:
  • Referral To Treatment (RTT) incomplete waiting list and the number of patients over 18 weeks on the pathway
  • The number of patients waiting over 62 days for diagnosis or treatment on a cancer pathway
  • The volume of overdue complaints for the month of March

If we can do this we know we are keeping our patients as safe as possible.

A tactical command centre will run every day, with the aim of finding solutions to any barriers we may come across.

The team is made up of an Executive Director, a senior clinical lead, either Gemma Berriman or Maureen Overton, divisional manager of the day, a diagnostic manager, patient flow and a colleague from Health Informatics to support with data.

Project lead, “Marvellous” Bev Walker, said: “We are excited at this opportunity to review how we are performing as ward teams and departments for our patients. It will feel very similar to the Perfect Weeks we have held.  We expect March to be Marvellous at CHFT and, importantly, expect some new learning for us all along the way.”