
Meet Rita - our latest Star Award winner

Ward 19's healthcare assistant Rita Fletcher reunited a patient and his pooch and has scooped our latest Star Award*.

Rita tracked down Rufus the cockerpoo, collected him from the centre where he was being looked after in Meltham and reunited him with his owner - and the tears flowed.

Our patient had been admitted as an emergency and his beloved, little dog had had to go into emergency kennels. Our patient continued to fret about his pet and wasn't recovering very well so that's when Rita went into action.

She started by calling all the rescue centres without any luck then liaised with social services  and finally found the much-loved pet. She drove an hour on her day off  to Meltham to collect him, brought him to HRI and took him home again.

Ward manager, Mandy Naylor, said: "The dog was so excited. He was giddy as anything at being reunited. That's Rita though. She is very very caring. She puts people before herself."

* Star Awards are our monthly internal awards - our staff nominate their colleagues for their great work in going the extra mile.