
Meet the Ice Conquerors! Our "superheroes" are Star Award winners

Service performance officer Jammal Mohammed couldn't praise his estate colleagues enough in his submission - even likening them to comic book superheroes. This is what he put.

 "Marvel Comics has the Avengers, DC Comics has the Justice League to confront life threatening situations, so when the "Beast from the East" and "Storm Emma" hit Huddersfield our own EGT (Estates Gritting Team) stood tall to ensure patients, staff and visitors had safe access onto and into the Hospital premises.

"The team worked in temperatures up to minus 15 degrees taking into account the wind chill factor and throughout the nights and day to ensure the walkways and roads were clear of snow and ice.

"The EGT are real unsung heroes who are out in all weathers and anytime during the day and night. They have worked tirelessly in extreme weather conditions throughout the winter and deserve recognition in ensuring blue light routes are safe and clear and the rest of the site. This enables safe access for ambulances - patients to areas such as A&E out of hours as an example. At times the team has spent 14 hours outside in these extreme temperatures to ensure we can safely access the hospital. 

"Keeping the emergency routes, car parks free of snow and ice is putting everyone's interest and safety at the forefront so that they have safe access on to our premises. Throughout the night and day we keep check of the weather conditions and as a collective team respond when we receive the call regardless of the plans we have made for the day / night - it's all hands on. We do what must be done because we want to - not because we have to. Steven Rich is a prime example who worked extensively throughout the 28th - 1st March during the night and day. Steve and the team can stand tall and be accounted for as it was an exceptional response to the extreme blizzards and snow conditions."

Yesterday at lunchtime Owen surprised them all with the fab news!

"I can't possibly say thank you enough for all your work, especially keeping our hospital grounds safe when the really bad snow hit. You all did a great job. Gritting isn't your main job but you all threw yourselves in there, you did your bit for our Trust and our patients, you kept us safe. 

"If it wasn't for all your hard work we'd have had a lot more problems than we did because of the snow. You did us proud.

"Every month we have a lot of nominations for our Star Awards, but Jammal's nomination topped the rest when he said Marvel have a patch on you guys!"

Jammal said "The team were really proud to be nominated for the Star Award. To have won is an honour and a testament to the dedication hard work of the whole team."

See the photo below of them all back in March.