
Mega-day at Briar Court hosted by stoma care team

The stoma exhibition open day  at Briar Court Hote, Birchencliffe, was a great success and busy all day from starting at 12 noon until finishing at 7pm.This is the first time we have held the open day until 7 pm to enable us to capture any of the stoma patients who are working so that they could pop in after work.

170 patients attended all bringing family or friends along with them. There were various stands with information on IBD services, travel literature for anyone with a stoma, cost of equipment and ways to avoid appliance wastage & the cost to the NHS.   A dietitian also attended from the Trust.

Our Bowel Cancer Support Group had a stand and representatives from the Ileostomy Association, Urostomy Association and Colostomy Association also attended as well as different companies who specialise in stoma equipment and products. 

Nurse Michelle Speight,  pictured centre in white top, said: " Every one enjoyed the event and there was lots of positive feedback from patients with most wishing to have the open day annually again, as they find it beneficial speaking to other patients who have been also living with a stoma."

Some of the comments/feedback received from the open day were:

  • ‘Variety of products to look at and could try if wanted to’ 
  • ‘ Stoma nurses being there to ask various questions’
  • ‘Contact with Professionals’
  • ‘Able to discuss any problems’
  • ‘Liked all of it!’
  • ‘Meeting people and talking’