
New for 2019 - CHFT's Got Medical Talent!

Exciting for this year are our new internal awards for our doctors in training here at CHFT.

We're flying the flag in recognition of all they do and today we are launching our CHFT's Got Medical Talent.

Anyone in the Trust can nominate a doctor in training for an award so click through to the link below and give your fave doc a nomination.

Lead  Dr Anu Rajgopal, said: " These awards are being introduced to showcase the talent of our doctors in training  who work incredibly hard and contribute immensely to the safe and high-quality patient care provided at CHFT. "

Our Medical Education Manager, Sue Burton,  said the awards were extra recognition of our doctors in training who always give CHFT great feedback from their time with us. She said: " We consistently score well in the national GMC  trainee survey and thought it was time we formally recognised the fantastic contribution our doctors in training make to the service we provide.

" We will be celebrating the very best examples of their dedication, innovation and leadership in a fun-filled evening at the awards ceremony."

The categories are....and the deadline is April 2.

  • Clinical Leadership 
  • Medical Education 
  • Junior Doctors' Choice 
  • Research 
  • Going Above and Beyond (the call of duty) 
  • Compassionate Care

The awards ceremony will take place on  Thursday May 9  after work and starting at 5.30 pm in the Learning Centre at HRI. Associate Medical Director  Neeraj Bhasin and  Head of Workforce and Organisational Development Suzanne Dunkley will be joint comperes for the event.