
New Year, New...celebration!.Joyce Graham launches International Year of the Nurse and Midwife at CHFT

We're very excited as 2020 has been designated the first ever International Year of the Nurse and Midwife by the World Health Organisation. (WHO)

It marks the 200th aniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale and the WHO say this special year is  a "once in a generation" opportunity to recognise everything the two roles bring to everyone being able to  living a healthy life.

Here at CHFT we want to celebrate all-year long the work of our 1,850 full and part time nurses and midwives and will be featuring a focus on one of our colleagues every week.

Breast Care Specialist Nurse Joyce ("too short to be a policeman") Graham starts us off.

Why did you want to become a nurse?

When I was at school I wanted to go into the police force - but unfortunately in those days I was too small !!!! So my Grandmother (who was and is my inspiration) was a nursing auxillary in the 50s/ 60s  - so I thought I would follow her footsteps into healthcare.

Why is nursing special career to you?

Being able to guide, support, comfort and care for those who require your care, in a moment of need, either as a patient or as a family member,  is a great privilege. We learn so much from every one we meet and we can take that learning with us into the next hour or day that we work. Also, working within an amazing inspirational team, is something that not everyone can say they do - but I can

Sum it up in three words

 Compassionate, Innovative, Inspirational

** If you'd like to follow Joyce and feature this year, please contact us and we'll do the rest. Comms on HRI x5252, x5253 and x5256.