
Watch CHFT's Christmas celebration at your own leisure

The children of Spring Cottage Day Nursery getting into the festive spirit

Our Chaplaincy Team, ably assisted by staff, The Huddersfield Choral Society and Spring Cottage Day Nursery have recorded their first-ever virtual celebration of Christmas.

Lead Chaplain, Sue Naughton, said: “We understand how busy staff are right now and that many might not be able to attend a physical service.

"Our celebration brings people of all backgrounds, beliefs, and traditions together. And whilst we know that some people might find this time of year difficult, I hope it brings them some comfort and hope.”

Sue is joined by Chaplain, Sam Cowling-Green, and there are readings from our Chief Executive Brendan Brown, Domestic Assistant Gloria Simpson, Key Worker for Child Death Liz Martell and ICU Sister Catherine Smith.

And of course the lovely music by the Huddersfield Choral Society and carols from the children at Spring Cottage Day Nursery.

Sue added: “Huge thanks to Clinical System Specialist, Richard Hill, for his time and effort recording and editing the service for us. I understand it was quite noisy in Spring Cottage when the children were being filmed!”

You can watch the 25-minute service on our YouTube channel: