
Our docs give their CHFT training a massive thumbs up... again!


Once again, we have done really well in the GMC survey of doctors-in-training. This is a national survey and allows us to benchmark ourselves against other organisations down to a specialty level. 

100% of our trainees responded and overwhelmingly they found our Trust friendly and supportive for their FY1 career. 

Charlotte Gunn, said: "This is a very enjoyable Trust to work in. Everyone one is friendly and supportive." 

Jessica Coffin, said: "CHFT has a very supportive learning environment and is a friendly Trust to work in." 

Tom Arjomandi, said: "I would really recommend here as an FY1 place to work. Compared to other hospitals this is a good place to start."

Their mentor Rita Pallucci, spoke emotionally of saying goodbye to "my babies". She said: "I see them when they start and it is wonderful to see them develop and take on all the responsibilities that come with the FY1 posts straight from uni. You can see the maturity in their faces." For their next stage as FY2s they are all moving onto other hospitals in Yorkshire. 

Here's how CHFT fared in the GMC survey: 

We are now the fourth most popular Trust in the region (out of 14) for overall satisfaction as assessed by doctors-in-training. We were 5th last year, and have improved from 9th position in 2011.

100% response rate (4th year in a row). National response rate 98.6%, regional response rate 98.8%

Rated best Trust in the region for overall satisfaction for the following specialties

Emergency Medicine

Acute Internal Medicine

Stroke Medicine

General Surgery

Vascular Surgery 

Director of Medical Education, Andy Lockey, said: “Morale could be better at the moment particularly amongst junior doctors. Yet, despite this, they have rated us as one of the best Trusts in Yorkshire and Humber for the training they receive. This is down to the hard work from all of their supervisors and the support from other healthcare professions as well. Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust is the place to come for doctors-in-training!”