
Our Levelling Up work gains award


Our Apprenticeship and Widening Participation Team has played a vital role in helping CHFT achieve a Purpose Coalition Award, specifically for ‘the right advice and experiences’.

The Purpose Coalition measures organisations against what they are doing for their customers, patients, colleagues and communities through Purpose Goals. There are 14 goals aimed at Levelling Up society. These are wide ranging and include Fair Career Progression; Closing the Digital Divide; Achieving Equality and Diversity Through Inclusion.

CHFT’s award is for Levelling Up Goal 4: Right advice and experiences, ensuring that opportunity is spread as widely and as fairly as possible. And the role of the team has been critical in meeting this goal.

Examples include work experience placements, employability workshops, embedding kickstart recruits into their roles, supporting internal colleagues with applications and interviews, partnership with REALISE to support maths and English in the workplace, Project Search, the clinical and non-clinical Prince’s Trust Pathway and the targeted volunteering project.

Liam Whitehead, pictured second left with just some of the team, said: “Working in partnership with internal colleagues and new external partners, we have come along way, in a short space of time.

“We continue to develop and create new multiple entry and progression pathways into employment at CHFT whilst reducing barriers to entry faced by local talent from across our communities. This award is testament to the amazing efforts of all the team who are passionate about making a difference and genuinely changing people’s lives.”