
Our Unsung Heroes piece aired on national BBC Breakfast News on Sunday

Keith being filmed by the BBC

On Sunday our lovely video, recorded by BBC Look North to cover the NHS's 75th birthday, was aired on national BBC Breakfast.

After it was shown, presenters Ben Thompson and Luxmy Gopal said: "That makes such a difference. For all the medical advances and technology, it comes down to something really simple - someone holding your hand, telling you its going to be OK and welcoming you. It makes a difference to the staff as well - we heard them telling about how much of a help it is."

BBC Look North filmed at both HRI and CRH for a special NHS75 feature on unsung heroes. Those featured included married volunteers, John and Alison Cottam, Outpatients Receptionist, Keith Hatzer and ward volunteer, Phil Hellawell.

You can watch the film on our YouTube channel: BBC Look North - Unsung heroes - YouTube