
Pivotal for PACS - team of four collect Star Award for supporting radiology switchover

A team of four has been hailed CHFT Star Award winners for steering and supporting the Trust through the new PACS system for radiology.

Dave Armitage, Mark Williams, Ming Ling and Sarah Wilson*, were stunned when CEO Owen Williams appeared in a meeting which they thought involved NHS England. Project Manager, Dave, said: "When Owen walked in I thought he was joining us and was trying to sort him a chair. We had no idea!" Owen shared memories of the switch and where the old X-ray system met the new one and all the challenges it brought.

Chief Nurse Information Officer, Carol Gregson, pictured peeking, fifth right - (apols Carol) nominated the foursome. She said: " This group of people were pivotal in implementing the PACS system - a culmination of four years work and a two-year project. This has been part of collaboration within the region enabling clinicians to view images within a clinical app or through EPR. As part of this implementation 163 million images were migrated to the new system.

"The biggest impact was on the Radiology department with a complete system change and a requirement to train 82 radiology staff and create 1796 accounts for the Trust. They have worked professionally and collaboratively not only with their department but with the whole Trust, THIS and AGFA the external supplier.

"They were determined to ensure that all staff were supported during the go live period and have continued beyond this time to keep the base safe.

"The team really demonstrate our We Work Together To Get Results pillar by making change happen together. This absolutely fits this project and is testimony to the fact colleagues can now see images within the PACS system and EPR. We are ready to continue with the journey whereby clinicians will be able to view images across the region before too long.

*Three of the awesome foursome were there on the day: Dave is in the white shirt, Radiology Service Lead, Mark is holding the certificate and System Administrator Ming is right of Mark. Fellow Administrator Sarah was on annual leave so not pictured.