
"Proud doesn't even begin to cover it!" Grace and Holly are on top leadership course - and so good no interview needed!

We're celebrating after Nursing Associates Grace Bruines (SAU) and  Holly Tyrrell (Community) have landed places on the prestigious Florence Nightingale* Leadership Programme - without even needing an interview.

The national selection panel were so impressed with their submissions they went straight onto the course which has only 70 candidates from across the country a year. 

Clinical Educator, Vicki Scurrah, said: "The 70 chosen candidates were taken from applicants from across England, and successful candidates were sent for a interview in London - except Grace' and Holly's applications were so good that they didn't need an interview and got straight in!!

"For us, proud doesn't even begin to cover it."

We asked them what it all means...

What made you want to become a nurse?

Grace: I came into nursing as I wanted a career where I could help people and make a positive impact on peoples lives.

Holly: I have always found caring for vulnerable people to be extremely fulfilling knowing that I have cared for an individual the way in which I would like someone to care for my family or myself. No standard is too high to ensure that quality and dignified care is given to each individual person equally . 

Why are you interested in this programme?

G: I love learning new things and within this career I am always challenging myself with keeping up to date with training and doing additional courses so that I can provide the best care to my patients. Every day, I learn something new from my colleagues and patients.

H: I was interested in the programme because I wanted to further my skills and understanding of the Nursing Associate role and to ensure that I am a positive role model for students and qualified a like.

What do you think makes a good leader?

G: I think a great leader is someone who leads their team with confidence and someone who people can look up to and be a good role model. I want to be that person for the future nursing associates.

H: I think a good leader needs to be approachable who understands that everybody works differently and utilises that to ensure that care is provided to everybody's strongest ability and to ensure that teaching is passed down to one another to grow as a group.

How do you feel being on it without an interview?

G: I am thrilled at being offered the place on the leadership programme and given the opportunity to be able to enhance my leadership style to be able to effectively lead by example and be someone that people look up to.

H: I feel very proud that I achieved this place without an interview and I hope that I take the opportunity and am able to use it within practice to enhance the Trust's work force. 

**Florence Nightingale - see photo attached -  was the 'Lady with the Lamp' who cared for the sick and wounded soldiers during the Crimean War and transformed nursing laying the foundations for the modern-day career it is. She died in London in 1910 aged 90.

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