
Ready, teddy, go - improvements for children having day surgery at HRI

A workforce boost for HRI’s Day Surgery Unit is starting to reap benefits for children. 

Three paediatric staff nurses are now in post which means there is a real focus on improving things for the children having day surgery with CHFT. 

Callum Douglass, Sam Barnard and Cath Glover are on hand to make sure, amongst other things, children are distracted from the often stressful situation of being in hospital. They also now have more opportunity to play as the team have successfully bid for charitable donations for electronic equipment like a Wii, X-Box and iPad – which are invaluable distraction tools for older children. 

There have been improvements in the ward environment too with new wall art, resource for colouring, donations of teddies to give to children pre-operatively and a real focus on ensuring the child's fear and anxieties are alleviated. 

Callum said: “Now we have more paediatric nurses we are able to really focus on making changes within the department for the children. Our main aim is to ensure children are cared for safely and effectively whilst making it a positive experience as possible”. 

And recently, Children’s charity POD, who also regularly visit CRH, arranged for a children’s entertainer to visit the Day Surgery Unit. Much fun was had by all – with balloon animals, a puppet show and entertainment. 

You can read more about what POD do on their website