
Rosie Brear's extra special delivery

Rotational midwife, Rosie Brear, has recently delivered her 100th baby which also happens to be her first experience of a homebirth out in the community. 

Rosie trained as a midwife until September 2015 after graduating from the University of Huddersfield, and began her career at the Trust in that October on the labour ward. 

Rosie told us: “I left the labour ward having delivered 99 babies. So close... it was very annoying. I’d done extra shifts on LDRP in an attempt to get it up to 100, but to no avail. 

“I finally got called to the homebirth (my first as a qualified midwife!) and got baby 100 and it was absolutely beautiful. I would definitely say it has been the highlight of my career so far. 

“It was very autonomous, the care was low risk and woman-centred as midwifery should be and Zoe had a beautiful, normal birth with no complications which is exactly how a homebirth should be. It was pretty textbook! 

“I would also like to thank Jo Machon for being so supportive and coming along with me when she didn’t need to and really making the experience enjoyable.” 

Clinical community Midwifery manager, Jo Machon, added: "This is a lovely story for us to share and one Rosie should be really proud of. My first homebirth baby is now 18 and he works for his dad at the weekend at the garage opposite my house so I see him often which is so lovely!"