
Service update for patients from the CCGs and CHFT.

NHS lozenge

During the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic earlier this year your GPs and Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust had to make the difficult decisions to postpone some non-urgent appointments and treatments to make sure that we could care for the sickest patients who needed our care most and to keep everyone safe.

The public support shown towards the NHS during these unprecedented times was tremendous.

In some cases we have been able to continue to deliver some GP and hospital appointments in different ways during the pandemic such as by telephone or video consultation. This has reduced the need for people to visit their GP surgeries and hospitals. Many patients have told us this has worked very well, so we will continue to offer appointments like this where possible.

However, some patients have unfortunately had their appointments and treatment postponed and we appreciate that this will have been a great concern for you and your family and left you wondering what happens next.

Here we are outlining the current position at GPs and at your local hospital Trust to offer reassurance about how we are working together to reinstate safe care.  


  • Doctors and nurses are reviewing every patient’s case and prioritising those in greatest need of clinical care. We we are doing our very best to get in contact with you as soon as we can to update you. It will not necessarily be those who have waited the longest that are seen first.
  • GPs and CHFT are now working together to restart planned services (appointments and treatments) in the safest way possible for both patients and staff.
  • The threat of COVID-19 is still present in our communities and we must ensure we are ready for any future surges, which may impact on the delivery of your treatment. We are also preparing for winter which is traditionally the period in which the NHS is under pressure with the seasonal peak of the winter vomiting bug, norovirus, and flu.
  • Our absolute priority is to keep patients and staff safe. To do this the way we provide your healthcare has changed and requires us to work with new processes that take longer than before the pandemic. This includes the use of personal protective equipment, laying out new access routes and locations, creating spaces and timings between appointments, ensuring social distancing is observed, ensuring appropriate cleaning is taking place between each patient, and that there is separation between patients who have, or are suspected of having Covid-19, and those who have tested negative.
  • If you are asked to visit your GP surgery or the hospital please support us by adhering to the social distancing rules, please come in for appointments alone where at all possible and always wear face coverings while you are inside buildings and on our sites, please use the hand sanitisers on arrival and as you leave.
  • We will update you on our plans to restart planned care and provide you with information and advice to manage your condition whilst you wait for treatment. This may include other options of support that we feel may help you.