
Special K-are. Breakfast Club starts the day on 7D at CRH.

This week we've a special focus on all the new work on CRH's Ward 7 for their patients.

Our Chief Nurse Information Officer Carol Gregson tipped Comms off about it after she'd been on the ward and was impressed with the innovation in care there.

She said: "I just wanted to bring to your attention some really good work that is going on at HRI Ward 7D Rehabilitation".

The team have achieved a lot of new work and are planning much more:  

  • the day starts with a breakfast club where patients can eat together and chat
  • reallocation of Ward Clerk funding due to the fact EPR is now in place, to employ ‘Engagement Support’ workers which is proving really valuable for patients regarding mood, anxiety, sociability
  • a  new day room for patients with numerous activities available  which looks lovely
  • a TV – as patients are encouraged to listen to news keeping them up to date with current affairs
  • another area has been created where patients and relatives can sit looking outside. It is a lovely outside viewpoint from the ward
  • planting in the therapy garden where the Engagement Support workers can take patients

The role of Engagement Support Worker only came into being on the ward in January of this year. A leaflet is being developed about the role of the Engagement Support worker to be able to inform patients and relatives as to what that means for them.

Ward sister Becky Elwers, said entertaining and keeping patients active was key to successful care. She said: "Thanks to the Engagement Support workers our patients are very entertained. Sometimes friends and family comments had said they were bored and one of the most common complications of Stroke is depression and low mood. This in turn affects a patient's rehab potential, so the the Engagment Support Workers are doing great work."