
Star Award winner Ruth Walker tells consultants what to do. Oh yes she does.

Staff nurse Ruth Walker was recently surprised by Chief Exec Owen with a Star Award. And as soon as she saw him she was shaking with nerves.

Owen said " You've been described as the stalwart of ENT by Catherine Hawkes. All your hard work has been noted, especially during the CQC inspection and the support you give to the consultants in the department. You've gone beyond the call of duty, and we could never thank you enough."

Ruth's reaction to having her photo with Owen was "Oh at last, I've been waiting for ages to have a picture taken with you".

She went on to add: "Thank you all very much. I really do appreciate it. I come to work to do my job and it's so rewarding. I just do my best when I'm here and couldn't do it without with the team I've got around me to make it all possible. 

"I'm so overwhelmed and grateful to everyone who has acknowledged me and the whole ENT team. I can't wait to see myself in Vogue...wait...I mean CHFT Weekly!"

ENT legend Ruth Walker was nominated by Catherine Hawkes who hails her "brilliance and professionalism" and says she is a one-off. She said:   

"Ruth is currently working as a Band 5 Nurse, but undertaking roles often ascribed to a Band 7. Throughout her nursing career at CHFT - spanning more than 30 years, she is a stalwart of ENT Outpatient services at CRH. Following the retirement of her Sister 5 years ago - resulting in myself taking over as her 'manager' -  I could not have asked for anyone better as my aid.

"She has subsequently 'run' ENT services at CRH with pure brilliance and professionalism, implementing ongoing changes and overseeing the management of both nursing and medical staff. She often works beyond her contracted hours to ensure patients have appointments, and all of what is asked of her is completed. Throughout my 17 years in nursing, I have never come across someone like Ruth."

Catherine added that Ruth had shone especially during a CQC inspection.

"During our CQC Ruth overhauled her department. She worked with pharmacy colleagues to eradicate old and traditional practice. She learned and listened to every instruction she had. As a stalwart of ENT services, she also knew how to teach our consultants, and sometimes would go above and beyond their opinions for the sake of our patients.

."Ruth Walker holds her own for ENT services. She ensures patients are seen, appropriate equipment is supplied and gives a consultant a good mouthful when needed... and they listen to her!

"On a more personal note, we both did (and still) work together to get results for our patients in ENT. She has recently began to work with our Macmillan Head & Neck Team and has helped in supporting the development of our one stop neck lump clinic.

"She is a credit to CHFT and its ENT and Head and Neck services. Her knowledge in what she does enables the running of a department to be managed appropriately, safely and efficiently... and all at a band 5 rate. And being so comical at the same time."

We know there are thousands of shining stars out there at CHFT. Why not nominate them for a Star Award? They could be our next winner.