
The Legend has Retired! Tears flow at "grandma" Cath MacKenzie's farewell

It was an emotional day when CHFT legend and Patient Flow coordinator Cath MacKenzie retired aged 68 and after 40 years in the Trust.

Known as "Catherine Elizabeth" or "Mother" she's renowned for being "caring, kind and loyal".

Her daughters and granddaughter - who also work here -  joined her for a "bit of a do" to say farewell.

Comms love the "legend" bunting strewn up in her honour.

Here, her line manager Claire Speight  tells us more about  "wonderful" Cath:

"Cath started in the trust over 40 years ago originally in the catering department serving the meals (which she quickly decided wasn’t for her!!). She then moved on to catering stores and was in charge of ordering the supplies ect..

"But Cath had ambition and drive to further her career. She had seen a ward clerk position advertised and wondered why she couldn’t do this!!!

"She used her charm and charisma and actually got two interviews for ward clerk positions and, of course, they both wanted her!!! She accepted the job on the head & neck ward.

"She loved the job and had a great time with all the staff, they had great fun in sending her to the microbiology department with stool samples as they knew she was squeamish!!!! This was a standing joke. Apparently no sooner than she had just got back from the lab they had another one for her!!! She blames her bad knees on all the walking to and from the lab!!!

"There was no patient flow/bed team at this time but one was just been implemented. She applied for the job having no idea what it entailed and was obviously successful.

"She was out on a Christmas party with the ward staff when she was told the news that she had got the job. Only two members in the team originally Sarah Rowell and Cath. (see photo attached)

"She has been in the team for 20 years and has seen and been involved in lots of changes and developments over the years.

"She thoroughly enjoys her job although we do joke that she hasn’t got time in her busy schedule and social life to come to work!!!"

"Cath is known as “Catherine Elizabeth” or to me Mother!!! She is the most caring, kind and loyal person anyone will ever meet. She is always upbeat and positive, never has a bad word to say about anyone!!

"Although she has had disagreements with people over the years (patient flow can be stressful) she is always professional and never rude!! (her words)

"I have only been at the trust for 2 years but when I arrived she took me under her wing and showed me the ropes! We hit it off straight away!! Hence why I call her mother.

"She has this fantastic ability to put everyone at ease. She adores her family and it has been an honour and a privilege to work with her. She is really going to be missed!!

Lauren Moss - her grandaughter is a surgical secretary at CHFT.

"I have worked at the Trust for almost 10 years. This is a very special day as Grandma is retiring after 40 +  years at the Trust.  Although, she is far too busy to work now!!  We are very proud of her.  I am sad though that she won’t be here to just pop into the office when she is passing to say hello.  Me and my sister are more commonly known here as ‘Cath’s granddaughter’ or ‘Dawn’s daughter’.  It’s so lovely how many people know Grandma and have such nice things to say about her.

"I couldn’t possibly pick a best moment as there have been so many over the past 10 years. I think the best days are the ones where you feel that you have really made a difference and helped someone.  I have also been really lucky to work with some fabulous people! "         

Here's a rundown of all the others in the MacKenzie clan at CHFT:

Dawn Moss -Surgical pathway cord based on ward 10 –daughter

Nicola Pearson - Nursing student and health care assistant – daughter

Lauren Moss - Surgical secretary –granddaughter

Ellis Moss - Medical Rota Coordinator/Medical Bank Administrator – granddaughter