
They're "wonderful, loving individuals" Star Award to team who showed such compassion.

It's not just the best care our patients receive which counts - it sometimes means looking after their family's needs as well, and this is where ED at HRI came into their own.

They went above and beyond for a young boy thought to be aged about 4 to 6, whose father was admitted unwell and had no nearby family or indeed, anyone else to look after him. 

For their efforts to look after the child as well as his father, they're our next Star Award winners.

Sarah Watson was part of the amazing team who went the extra mile this night, and when our CEO Owen suprised her at ED she was pleased to take to award on behalf of her team. 

The nomination, submitted by Megan Atkinson, from Geriatric Medicine, read:  "They all showed great care and compassion to this young man, setting up a movie for him to watch and making him feel welcome. One member of staff even went out to buy him some new clothes as a gift, as his current clothes were in a bad condition,  along with snacks and colouring book/pens! 

"I was so overwhelmed by the level of compassion and care shown by the team that night.  I think it's easy to get caught up in the volume of work and the pressures we're under in the NHS and this reminded me that I work with wonderful, loving individuals, who are capable of such brilliant care and human kindness."

After the Star Award Megan added: “I’ve worked in a lot of Trusts but I've never experienced this type of team work and encouragement from such happy people who are so dedicated to their jobs. Sarah was the most deserved person to receive the Star Award from Owen, we're so happy for her" 

Megan also told us it can be tough coming into work as it currently  means leaving her 18 month old baby but her colleagues are helping her through.

"After working with such an amazing team all the heart ache is worth it! "