
Top effort from Paediatrics...


They might look all shiny and clean but four hours later this lot were caked in mud, survived icy water and electric shocks. 

All for fun and fundraising! 

They were a team from paediatrics including Catherine O'Rourke, Alistair Morris, Sal Uka, Ian Melling and Sam Hoddy, Lin Mar, Karen Foster and Donna Carroll (who came to be a spectator and ended up completing it!) and some of their friends. 

They raised £955 at the event near Skipton - to be split between Forget Me Not Children’s Hospice and the Children’s wards in CHFT. Below is the link to the crowd funding page that will be open for another couple of weeks if people want to donate. 

They ran/walked/crawled through 12 miles, up and down muddy hills, and overcame 25 obstacles of mud, ice, water, barbed wire, electric wire and combinations of all of them. 

Catherine said: "We set off together and stayed together working as a team until the third mile when Alistair took himself and three of the elite ahead. Sal and I took the middle group with four bringing up the rear. No matter how long it was going to take we all crossed the finish line and we did it in 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 hours." 

    Here's her tributes to her colleagues:

    • Ian was our oldest participant but that didn't slow him down and he crossed the line with a smile on his face.
    • Lin Mar can't swim but bravely attempted several of the water challenges.
    • Karen Foster overcame her fears of the arctic enema and plunged with the rest of us into the icy muddy water.
    • When Alistair escaped getting too muddy due to his excessive height we helped him out by smearing it on him and then on each other. 

With team work and humour we conquered all the obstacles, though we fell face first into the mud on several occasions.

Catherine adds: "There were plenty of bruises and scrapes but no broken bones and only a slight degree of amnesia on my part following a particularly brutal electric shock at the end. We all survived and are signed up to do it again next year where are numbers now total 23 participants. 

"Next time though we are hoping to actually train for it. This year we planned to train but more often than not did something else like going to the pub or on holiday!"