
Toseef dreamed of winning a Star Award - and now he has!

Toseef Ahmed's Star Award was one with a difference... ..where he sprung a surprise on Owen! 

Our Project Search intern (formerly on the Stroke Ward at CRH now on Ward 17 at HRI) thought his meeting with our CEO had been arranged so he could give Owen a box of Celebrations for being awarded an OBE in the New Year's Honours List.

So when he saw the Star Award certificate Toseef asked: "Who's got a Star Award?" And when he found out it was him he said: "Oh my God. I am so happy, I've had a dream about winning a Star Award before. I can't believe it. Thank-you."

Toseef's impact on the Stroke Ward has been outstanding with his presence there making such a difference for our patients and their families.

Amongst lots of reasons his nomination revealed how he:

* helped a visitor with her English when Punjabi was her first language

* cuts short his lunch hours to spend time and talk to one particular elderly lady.

* made such an impression our patients miss him when he's off.


The presentation took place on his new placement - Ward 17 at HRI.

Toseef said to Owen: "If I do get a job here, I'd be happy to work here because you made it great."

Toseef is one of our Project Search interns and has made a massive impact since he joined in September. 

His Star Award nominator Tracy Thompson, said: " On his first day he got a lady talking who had not really spoken to the staff. Toseef figured English wasn't her first language, so spent time talking Punjabi to her and teaching her English.

"A relative of another patient told us how she has been here visiting her husband almost everyday since August on her own. Toseef cuts his lunch breaks short to spend at least half an hour every day talking to this lady, and she commented that he has been a ray of sunshine and positivity for her and helped her through a really hard time."

Tracey added: " Toseef always puts the patients first, this has shown with the time, support and help he has given to the patients on the Stroke ward. He makes time for all the patients, knows them by name. He has made such an impression with the patients they miss him if he is off. He makes time to listen to all his patients. Toseef will take games to the bedsides of the patients if they are unable to get up. He is so kind and care towards everyone, patients and staff."

Toseef would love to work in the hospital full time, and he is always willing to learn from other people and spends time learning new skills.

He has recently joined the Colleague Disability Action Group with Nicky Hosty, as he wants to make a difference for staff in the hospital.

Tracey adds: " He has shown that he can not only spot issues, but thinks of solutions too."

**  Nominating for  the Star Award for January 2020 closes on Friday January 31. It's easy to nominate and all winners also receive £50 shopping vouchers as well as the surprise visit from Owen. Click on the intranet.

You know if you've got a Star alongside you at work - or even a Star Team. Click here.