
"Ward 18 are a shining example"- fantastic feedback from the Integrated Care Board

Some of the team photographed as a group on Ward 18

Our team on Ward 18 at Huddersfield Royal Infirmary have received excellent feedback after a recent visit from the Integrated Care Board (ICB) Safeguarding Team.

During the visit, colleagues shared examples of when they have applied the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) in practice, and had conversations around capacity, the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) and best interests for patients.

Designated Nurse Safeguarding Adults, Luke Turnbull, from the ICB, said after the visit: "It was fantastic to witness the mutually supportive relationship you have with the Trust's Safeguarding Team and how you felt able to call on them for support when required or even just to check things out with them.

"It was so heartening to know that your knowledge and confidence of managing MCA and safeguarding issues is so advanced. Implementing the MCA in practice has been a real challenge for the NHS – I think Ward 18 are a shining example of how this can be done.

"I found our conversation about how we embed learning from safeguarding adult reviews really helpful. It really made me think about how we can incorporate this into training to make training meaningful and impactful."

Medical Division Matron, Rachel Garside, said: "I am so proud of the team on Ward 18 who just embrace every complex situation so positively to deliver the best care to our patients."