
Wards 20, 4,5,8 and 15 unite for Pride in our Care

Our teams on our newly re-configured wards for our elderly patients are teaming up for a “Pride in our Care” campaign.

In December 2017 we brought them all together on the HRI site at the same time we centred cardiac and respiratory care at CRH to create two specialist centres.

With them all close neighbours there is now a terrific opportunity to share good practice and improvements in the key areas which are special to elderly care wards.

Our teams on wards, 4,5,8,15 and 20 - our main photo -  have all been special areas of expertise in elderly care and with them all making improvements and sharing the good practice it’s a new, vibrant way of working together.

In summary each ward will be working on specific areas. These are:

Ward 4: all planned discharged to be achieved before lunchtime and all to take outs ( TTOs) to be completed the day before. (photo attached)

Ward 5: reducing the use of private ambulances throughout improved planning 

Ward 8: Reducing falls by increased advanced planning.

Ward 15: reducing pressure ulcers and lengths of stay (photo attached)

Ward 20: reducing lengths of stay, look at MUST targets, maintain patients’ independence and activity.

This is also an opportunity to link in with our therapy colleagues and our frailty team.

There’s a huge range of different care aspects summarised in this list and as each ward makes advances their work can be shared so an improvement on one ward is happening on them all.

Clinical director Rob Moisey, said: “ We are bringing our wards and  the teams on them together to each make improvements which will led lead to an overall improvement in all areas on all wards.

“It’s an exciting new  “umbrella” approach for CHFT and it is good to see colleagues are  already welcoming and getting behind these measures to provide better care for our  elderly patients and their families.”