
Working at CHFT is awesome.

They did it! Pagbati (Congratulations) to our first three Filipino nurses to pass the NMC OSCE


Last year we recruited a number of nurses from the Philippines and we currently have eight nurses placed within medicine and surgery throughout the Trust and we are expecting another cohort of nurses very soon.


Once these nurses arrive in the UK they are required to pass a NMC practical exam before they gain their NMC pin number and can work as a staff nurse in the UK.  They work closely with their ward teams and the clinical education team to prepare for the exam. 

We are proud to say that the first three nurses – Renato, Lester and Faith have successfully PASSED the exam and now have their NMC pin numbers! 

Our Lead Nurse for Professional Workforce Development, Michelle Bamforth, said: “The senior nursing team are thrilled with the results and appreciate all the hard work and commitment the nurses have put into their studies to achieve a pass.”


What is like leaving the Philippines and coming to live in the UK?

Faith said “Living in the UK is not too difficult; I have Filipino friends that are living with me.  The main adjustment has been the weather, particularly my first experience of snow”

Renato said “Living in the UK is a dream come true, I have encountered wonderful people; Amanda McGrath who became not just our co-ordinator but like a mother”

Lester said: “Coming to England was a major life decision for me.  I would like to thank the people who have made us feel at home”


What is it like working at CHFT?

Faith said: “It has been a roller coaster ride for me since the day I started applying, fortunately I was able to get a position and I am proud and it is a privilege to be part of the CHFT team.  It was difficult leaving my friends and family but I can say that everyone at the Trust has been very supportive”

Renato said “The people on my ward have showed compassion and team work to me as a newcomer from overseas”

Lester said: “Working at CHFT is awesome; we are very lucky and fortunate to have been working with people who have been so kind and supportive”


What was the training programme like?

Faith said “Working and studying at the same time has been difficult.  The clinical education team were very supportive and provided me with encouragement and strength that I needed to pass!”

Renato said “It was not an easy road or task but we all managed to succeed”


A wish for the future

Faith said “I hope I will be a great addition to my team and that I can deliver the best nursing care that I can to our patients”

Renato said: “My NMC pin will serve as a reminder of my hard work, I am looking forward to the future!”

Lester said: “I am ever grateful to the clinical education team, recruitment team and my ward for making my journey a wonderful one and I am looking forward to working together in the Trust”


Finally, Vicki Sillitoe Senior Clinical Educator, pictured in white with them, said “It has been a real team effort and would like to thank all that has been and continues to be involved in this project.  Renato, Lester and Faith are a fantastic asset to their teams and we wish them well in their careers here at CHFT!”

Click here to read this week's full edition.