South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust offer a mental health liaison service in our hospitals, working in partnership with our staff.
The mental health liaison team are…
The Trust has Accident and Emergency Departments at the Calderdale Royal Hospital and Huddersfield Royal Infirmary. The departments see around 3000 patients each week and provide expert…
Cardiac rehabilitation services
We are a multidisciplinary team of nurses, Physiotherapist, Exercise physiologist, rehabilitation assistants and clerical staff, based at Alan House, but working…
Chemotherapy Outpatients: We have two units for the provision of day case chemotherapy. The Gartland Suite in the Macmillan Unit at Calderdale Royal Hospital and Greenlea Oncology Unit on ward…
CAMHS are now provided by Leeds Counselling at Tier 2 and South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust at Tier 3.
Tier 2 CAMHS helps parents and professionals to address concerns…
The CCN service is a Paediatric consultant led service based within CHFT. We are a team of highly trained RSCN’s all of whom have a wealth of experience some of which hold the Children’s…
We provide support, general advice and information for families in a variety of settings Carry out home or appropriate setting visits carrying out assessments and delivering treatment plans Agree…
Child’s home In mainstream school In special schools In nurseries In playgroups Hospital wards Other appropriate setting
Service hours
The service is currently delivered over 7 days during…
Who can refer?
Acute paediatric ward Medical team and ward staff at CHFT. Accident & Emergency department CHFT Paediatric tertiary centres – from all paediatric specialities. Day case surgery…
The anaesthetics department provides care for emergency and elective patients who will be having some form of surgery, are in labour, are in the intensive care unit or are in the accident…
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