This service is available to all adults (over the age of 18) who are struggling to cope with their breathing condition, or have issues arising because of their breathing condition. If your…
What to expect?
This might be your first time talking to someone about your feelings. We understand that this can feel daunting. We will make sure to go at your own pace to enable you to feel…
Our team consists of a Clinical Psychologist, Dr Leanne Messham
Clinics are on set days across Monday to Friday, 8am - 5pm via telephone, video call, or in person when possible.
Vita Health Group
Vita Health Group works in partnership with the NHS to provide mental wellbeing services to support local residents in various districts throughout the UK. Known as IAPT (Improving…
Will my appointment be private and secure?
At the time of your appointment you’ll need to find a quiet, private space where you won’t be disturbed. To ensure security the clinician may check…
We’ve recently launched a new men’s cancer support group, in response to patient feedback.
The group meets on the last Thursday afternoon of the month at Acre Mill Outpatients, Acre street,…
Menopause is when your periods stop due to lower hormone levels. It usually affects women between the ages of 45 and 55, but it can happen earlier. Menopause can happen naturally, or different…
If you require urgent support you can contact your GP, call 111 for medical advice, or you can contact the local crisis number on 01924 316830.
If you feel distressed and have plans to end…
Ian Binks. Counsellor for Cancer Psychological Services
Secretary Heather Milner
Dr Hannah Gormley Consultant Clinical Psychologist
Dr Jaime Wood Clinical Psychologist, Accredited Cognitive…
Dr Stacey Boardman - Clinical Psychologist
Secretary Kirsty Sharp
Dr Catherine Wright, Consultant Clinical Psychologist (HCPC registered)
On this page
About us Meet the team What can you…
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