
Search Results

927 results:
831. Lateral ankle injury  
The lateral ligament complex of the ankle is the most commonly injured set of ligaments in the body. It is situated on the outside aspect of the ankle, running from the ankle bone and fanning…  
832. Calf Muscle Strain  
The calf complex is actually made up of two muscles – the Gastrocnemius and the Soleus. They both form the muscle at the back of the lower leg and attach into the Achilles tendon and are…  
833. Ankle OA  
The Ankle Joint The ankle is actually made up of two joints – the talocrural join and the subtalar joint. The Talocrural joint is where the bottom of your shin bone (tibia) and your foot meets (the…  
834. Achilles Tendinopathy  
Introduction and Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Foam Roller Exercises What is Achilles tendinopathy? The Achilles tendon is the large tendon at the back of the ankle. It connects the large calf muscles…  
835. Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction  
Tibialis posterior tendinopathy (also known as tibialis posterior dysfunction) is a common condition. It develops when the tendon of tibialis posterior becomes injured. The tibialis posterior…  
836. Plantar Heel Pain  
Introduction and Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Stretches and Foam Roller What is Plantar Heel Pain/Fascia Pain? The Plantar fascia is a band of collagen tissue that connects between your heel and your…  
837. Back Pain  
Video: Introduction Video: how to manage your back pain Video: if your back pain doesn’t improve Video: knee hugging Video: knee rolling Video: Pelvic Tilting Video: Thoracic Rotation Video:…  
838. Sciatica  
The medical term for sciatica is lumbar radiculopathy. What you are experiencing is irritation of one (or more) of the nerves in the low back, also called the lumbar region. Nerve irritation can…  
839. Lumber Stenosis  
Video: Introduction Video: Knee Hugging Video: Advice - if your back pain doesn't improve Video: Bridging Video: Advice - How to manage your back pain Video: Knee Rolling Video: Pelvic…  
840. Osteoporosis  
Osteoporosis is a bone weakening condition which can lead to bones becoming fragile and at risk of fractures.  Osteoporosis occurs most commonly in postmenopausal women, men over 50 years, and…  
Search results 831 until 840 of 927