
Search Results

927 results:
311. Nick Brown  
Consultant in Oncology Year joined the Trust   2013 Academic Background  MA University of Cambridge DPhil University of Oxford BM BCh University of Oxford  GMC Number …  
312. Rehna Khan  
Consultant in Opthalmology Year joined the Trust   2011 Academic Background  Liverpool University Medical School, Certificate in Postgraduate Medical Education, Ophthalmology lead for…  
313. Rehan Naseer  
Consultant in Respiratory Medicine Year joined the Trust   2013 Academic Background  Hulme Grammar School For Boys Oldham University of Manchester  GMC Number  6032038…  
314. Gudrun Seebass  
Consultant in Care of the Elderly (General and Geriatric medicine) Year joined the Trust   2005 (2000 – 2002 as registrar) Academic Background  State Exam Medicine Berlin 1992, MD…  
315. Membership Form  
I would like to become a member and be able to influence the future of my local hospitals and: receive regular updates on news and developments at my local hospitals attend (optional) annual…  
316. The childrens epilepsy services  
The Children’s Epilepsy team provides care and support to Children & Young People who have a  diagnosis of epilepsy, and their families, living mainly but not exclusively within Calderdale…  
317. Patient photos  
Patient before and after photos Amanda  
318. Council of Governors  
What is it? The Council of Governors, collectively, is the body that binds CHFT to patients, service users, staff and stakeholders Governors do not manage the operations of the trust – they…  
319. Think you may be in labour?  
Early Labour conversation transcript I’ve been getting some pains and I think I might be in labour I was just wondering what I should be doing Ok are you happy to tell me a little bit more about…  
320. Outpatient appointments  
If you are unable to attend your appointment, or need to change it to a more convenient time, please let us know as soon as possible, as this will allow us to offer the appointment to someone…  
Search results 311 until 320 of 927