Blood Testing
Pathology Services
The pathology directorate provides comprehensive laboratory services in support of diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment for patients within the Trust’s hospitals and clinics, and for family practitioners within the local primary care trusts (PCTs).
The directorate is made up of four major disciplines:
- Blood Sciences (Haematology, Biochemistry and Immunology)
- Blood Transfusion
- Cellular Pathology (histopathology/cytology)
- Microbiology
All of these provide analytical, diagnostic and advisory services to their users. Analysis of specimens takes place within laboratories at Calderdale Royal Hospital and at Huddersfield Royal Infirmary, which are managed as a single Pathology service.
Cellular Pathology and Microbiology are located at Calderdale Royal Hospital and Blood Sciences and Blood Transfusion are on both sites.
Phlebotomy Service
The Pathology directorate provides an in-patient and out-patient phlebotomy (blood sample taking) service for adults and children aged 10 and over.
Patients given a form by their GP:
The phlebotomy service for patients with a Calderdale GP is provided in settings such as doctors surgeries and health centres. These appointments must be booked by the patient's local GP surgery.
The phlebotomy service for Kirklees patients is provided in community settings, such as GP practices, which can be booked by the patients local GP surgery. We also offer a service at Huddersfield Royal Infirmary for some GP practices. If your GP uses this service, they will provide information on the opening times for you.
CHFT outpatient blood testing - locations and times
- The Phlebotomy Collecting Unit at Calderdale Royal Hospital is located on the ground floor and is open between 08:10 and 16:50 (Monday to Friday)
- Our service at Acre Mills Outpatient Department in Lindley is located on the ground floor and is open between 08:10 and 16:50 (Monday to Friday)
- Our Community Diagnostic Centre based in Broad Street, Halifax, also offers outpatient blood tests. The service operates Monday to Friday 08:00 to 3.45pm, Saturday 08:00 to around 12:20 (last patient) and Sunday 08:00 to 11:20 (last patient)
Doors could be closed earlier if departments have reached capacity. All departments accept patients with a hospital generated blood form without an appointment.
A ward phlebotomy service is provided from 08:00 to 12:00 at both Calderdale Royal Hospital and Huddersfield Royal Infirmary seven days a week.
Point of Care Testing (POCT) Service
The department provides support and advice for the procurement of POCT equipment for the hospital setting and also community services. They also provide technical advice, training, troubleshooting, governance and quality assurance support for POCT devices. These would include tests such as glucose, ketones, anticoagulation monitoring and respiratory viruses including Covid and flu testing.
Our team
Division of Pathology
Director of Pathology: Dr Anu Rajgopal
Pathology Manager: Miss Sarah Ramsden
Pathology Operations and Business Manager: Mrs Ei Tint
Quality Manager: Ms Alison Milner
Clinical Biochemistry
Clinical Lead: Dr Kevin Stuart (service provided by LTHT)
Manager: Mrs Hayley Baker
Clinical Lead: Dr Kate Rothwell
Consultants: Dr Sylvia Feyler; Dr Wunna Swe
Manager: Mrs Hayley Baker
Blood Transfusion
Transfusion Practitioner: Ms Michelle Lake, Ms Donna Wood, Ms Bushra Amin
Manager: Mrs Hayley Baker
Clinical Lead: Dr Anu Rajgopal
Consultants: Dr Gavin Boyd, Dr Vivek Nayak, Dr Nicola Hardman
Manager: Mr Mohammad Rizwan
Clinical Lead: Dr Vidya Kumaraswamy
Consultants: Dr Richard Knights, Dr Sarah Knight, Dr Sally Osborn, Dr Minu Syamala, Dr Mia Wolozinsky
Manager: Mrs Michelle McNamara
Phlebotomy and Point of Care Testing
Phlebotomy Operations Manager: Mrs Elaine Reeves
Who to contact to find out more
CRH Switchboard - 01422 357171
HRI Switchboard - 01484 342000