Intensive Care

Our Intensive Care Unit (ICU) operates on both the Calderdale Royal Hospital and Huddersfield Royal Infirmary sites. It cares for critically unwell adult patients who are admitted to the unit from the Accident & Emergency Department, the Operating Department and the general surgical, medical and orthopaedic wards. This may be following an emergency, elective surgery, trauma or for anyone needing respiratory support.

On both sites each unit has the following beds and facilities:

  • Calderdale Royal Hospital (CRH) – eight beds for intensive and high dependency care
  • Huddersfield Royal Infirmary (HRI) - eight beds for intensive and high dependency

Both units provide facilities for visiting relatives and arrangements can be made to provide overnight accommodation if necessary.

Visiting hours are flexible and open, although the best time to visit is often in the afternoon or early evening after the doctors rounds and any necessary procedures are finished.

Where to find us

CRH  - Level 3 floor above A&E.

HRI – Ground floor through the main entrance – keep right and follow the signs.

Who to contact to find out more:

Natalka Drapon – General Manager

Suzanne Thompson – Matron

You can contact them via our switchboard on 01484 342000.

Meet the team

The medical team on each unit is led by a lead clinician who is a consultant anaesthetist. The nursing team for each unit is led by the Matron for Critical Care services. Each unit is then staffed by highly skilled nurses with a team of senior sisters responsible for the day to day running of the unit. A Clinical Educator is also in post on to support the education and training needs of the staff are met.


Clinical Director - Dr S Rahman (Consultant Anaesthetist)